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The Most Boring Day in History

Cambridge Scientists unleashed a computer to find the most boring day in history. And the computer had the answer after assessing more than 300 million historic facts.

William Tunstall-Pedoe found out that Sunday, April 11, 1954, was the most eventless day in recorded history. Nothing happened on that Sunday; no wars, no battles, and not a single government toppled. To be fair, politics were far from being a reality show back then. Nobody was screaming for media attention.

2.5 billion people went about with their days. Belgium had an election nobody couldn’t even remember. Turkish Scholar Abdullah Abadar was born. And Jack Shufflebotham — a retired soccer defensive player — died. And that was it. The whole Sunday of 1954 produced one scholar, one dead soccer player, and one election. More had happened on any given afternoon this March during the lockdown, than it did on April 11th.

Someone had to get married, die, and come to life during that Sunday too. Babies were born. Old people died. But nobody really went on and changed the world.

Abdullah Abadar was alive at the time of writing. He had an impressive career as an engineering professor at Turkey’s Bilkent University. And hardly anyone remembered Schufflebotham because he died more than 30 years after his career in sports.

The “most boring day in history”

The first half of the 20th century was devastating, and the world was still struggling with the repercussions. People could remember The Great Depression, Spanish Flu, famine, and the horrors of WWI, and WWII.

Everyone had caught a much-needed break on that Sunday. And that was fine. After so many atrocities, the history took a day to chill, and it was a biblical Sunday out of all days.

The people of April 11 never actually knew that they lived through the most boring day in history. The very next day, Bill Haley would record his hit record Rock Around the Clock. And April 12, 1954, just like any Monday, would continue in its crazy jam.

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